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3 Important Steps To Follow When Dealing With an Abusive Relationship

December 3, 2021

3 Important Steps To Follow When Dealing With an Abusive Relationship

3 Important Steps To Follow When Dealing
With an Abusive Relationship
December 23, 2021

We have all heard the stories...

The crazy lover or ex who goes above and beyond to prove that they're not relationship material, but also a danger to your well-being. However, we never think about this happening to ourselves.

Though many of you will hopefully find yourselves in a loving and happy relationship, there is still the chance that you will share hearts with the devil who will create a relationship so toxic and dangerous that law enforcement and prosecutors will have to get involved.

So with that possibility in mind, it is important to know what to do if you find yourself in an abusive relationship. Here are the 3 most important steps to remember if you find yourself in this situation.

No Time to Read?

Watch our 1-minute video breaking down these important steps to remember.

No Time to Read?

Watch our 1-minute video breaking down these important steps to remember.

Step 1: Break Up

Breaking up is the simplest way out of an abusive relationship

This step is fairly obvious and the most simple one of them all. If you are able to catch the early signs of your significant other posing a threat to your well-being, it is best to just end the relationship and stop the problem at its source.

More times than not, this will prevent the situation from happening to begin with and it will not be a problem anymore.

However, if the situation has reached a breaking point where even breaking up won't stop them from attempting to harm you, it is important you follow these next two steps.

Step 2: Record Everything

Record their abusive behavior to obtain evidence against them if this goes to court

This part can be tricky, but this is the absolute best way to get your side of the story out if and when prosecutors get involved. If you have no substantial evidence to present in a trial, it becomes a game of their word against yours, and more often than not, your crazy ex will claim they are the "victim" even if that is not the case.

So as long you have some record of their violent and inappropriate behavior, whether it be screenshots of text messages, videos recorded of them, or any other evidence you may have, it will allow your defense team to formulate a strong counter to the prosecution, and it can have a huge impact on the outcome of the case.

So do yourself a favor and record everything.

Step 3: Get a Restraining Order

Getting a restraining order will cause more legal problems for your abuser if they disobey it

Now that you have your evidence, it is time to put up a wall between you and your crazy ex. Though a physical wall may not necessarily stop your ex from attempting to inflict harm on you, a restraining order will make it a lot more difficult for them in a legal perspective.

A restraining order, or an order of protection, is an order that is meant to prevent someone from coming in contact with you and committing a violent act against the individual or individuals who placed the order.

If your crazy ex lays a hand on you with a restraining order in place, they will likely be arrested by the police and will lead to a lot more legal issues for them resulting in harsher penalties. So with that in mind, a restraining order serves as a practical way to prevent your crazy ex from inflicting any harm on you.

Let's Recap

No one wants to worry about dealing with a crazy and violent ex. However, it is best to prepare for the unexpected in the case that your safety is in jeopardy.

If you end up in this situation:

  • break up with them,
  • record their behavior,
  • and get a restraining order to protect your well-being.

If cops and prosecutors get involved, be sure to hire a defense attorney who specializes in violent crimes, sex crimes, and family offense proceedings.


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