(212) 430-6469

Sex and Internet Crimes

Your Defense Needs To Be Strong

We fight zealously to protect your future and preserve your rights.

Accused sex offenders are in a particular bind. Even more so than other criminal defendants, they face societal judgment and ostracism. Amidst these extreme stakes, it’s important to hire us quickly so that we can minimize these issues.

At Varghese & Associates, P.C., our Manhattan criminal defense lawyers fight zealously to protect your future and preserve your rights. Once you’ve hired us, you’re in a better position to deal with any ongoing investigation, negotiate with the authorities, get any charges dropped, negotiate a favorable plea bargain, and mitigate any after-effects that could alter your life forever. Have our experienced team guide you through the entire process. We’ve represented criminal defense clients in Manhattan, New York City, and all across New York.

We are well-equipped to handle the following:

  • Internet sex crimes, including soliciting a minor, sexting nudes with a minor, child pornography and other sex-based crimes committed using the internet.
  • Rape. Engaging in sexual intercourse without the other person’s consent or with someone who is incapable of providing consent (minors, mentally disabled, etc.) is considered rape.
  • Child pornography. You can be arrested even if a single image of a child in a lewd act makes its way onto your computer by accident, either through a virus or peer to peer sharing networks. To protect your future, you’ll need a seasoned attorney who is tech savvy and aggressive.
  • Forcible touching. When you subject another person to unwanted sexual contact, you can be charged with forcible touching, which is often a misdemeanor.
  • Sexual conduct against a child. Any type of sexual conduct involving a minor carries serious penalties and severe stigma.

Sex Offender Registration Act (SORA) Hearings

Under the Sex Offender Registration Act, those convicted of sex offenses are required to register with the state. A SORA hearing will be held to determine the restrictions that will apply to the offender, whether an online public profile will be created, and risk assessments. It is critical that you have a SORA attorney prepare you for the hearing. We can help you establish the best possible case file and advocate for favorable designations during the hearing.

Your Defense Needs To Be Strong

When our team of Manhattan federal criminal defense attorneys accepts a case, we get hands-on and up-close. You cannot benefit from a pre-manufactured defense, only one tailored to your specific case will do. This is the high-caliber representation we afford our clients, each and every time.

Contact our law firm the moment you are accused of a crime. Time is of the essence — when involved early enough, we have been able to plead down charges, keep our clients out of jail and even prevent formal charges from being brought in the first place. We understand that time is of the essence and can get to work right away on your defense. When you need a team of fighters in your corner, contact us online or call 212-430-6469.

Don’t Hesitate – Contact Us Now

Facing federal charges, arrest, or a grand jury subpoena? If you’re accused of federal offenses, don’t take any chances – your life is on the line. For a consultation, please feel free to send us an email, or give us a call with the number listed below. For directions to our New York City law offices, please refer to the map below.

Contact Us For a Consultation

Varghese & Associates, P.C.

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