Vinoo Quoted in the New York Law Journal in Article “Moves Towards ‘Soft’ Reopening Underline Tensions, Frustration Over Return to Law Firm Offices”
Recently, the New York Law Journal quoted Vinoo in “Moves Towards ‘Soft’ Reopening Underline Tensions, Frustration Over Return to Law Firm Offices.” The article details the problems law firms face when reopening during various shutdown phases.
Vinoo’s quote reflects the sentiment that many attorneys felt towards New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, who forced law offices to wait until “Phase Two” to resume in-office operations. Cuomo’s hostility towards lawyers contrasted with almost all other governors who had declared all lawyers “essential.”
Vinoo told the New York Law Journal that Cuomo’s hostility demonstrated “a complete disregard for rule of law when you don’t consider all lawyers essential.”
In an op-ed published in the New York Daily News at the beginning of the shutdown, Vinoo criticized Cuomo’s decision not to include criminal defense attorneys as “essential.” The next day, Cuomo reversed course and deemed criminal defense lawyers “essential.” That same week, Fox News interviewed Vinoo about his op-ed.