The pandemic is receding and colleges are beginning to bring all of their students back to campus for in-person classes. With students also coming back to live on campus, there will likely be a noticeable increase in Title IX cases as students start to "mingle" again.
With the inevitable rise in cases on the horizon, it is crucial as a student and as a parent to understand what a Title IX case is, how it affects a student's life, and what can be done to save their reputation.
As a student, you have likely been bombarded with Title IX presentations since orientation day and likely have a rough understanding of what Title IX entails. For those who are not as familiar with the nuances of Title IX, let's take a look at how the Department of Education defines it.
No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. — U.S. Department of Education
Title IX policies affect any college in the U.S. that receives any form of federal financial assistance, which is essentially every public and private college in the country. So, whether you go to an ivy league school like Harvard or to your local community college all students are protected by the rights granted by Title IX and can also be held accountable if found guilty of violating them.
Contrary to popular belief, Title IX does not just cover sexual harassment cases. Title IX handles any form of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, stalking, threats, or coercion that leads to potential physical or mental harm to the accuser.
"Also, no recipient or other person may intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title IX." — U.S. Department of Education
Essentially, if a student feels that they are being threatened by another student or are being discriminated against, they can press charges against their alleged aggressor through their school's Title IX office.
It goes without saying that a Title IX charge will bring a tremendous amount of stress to not only the student's life but also their family and everyone who is directly involved in the matter. During this time, the accused will be facing a myriad of other complications.
Due to the investigation, a student's life is essentially put on hold, and there is little that they can do on an individual level to mitigate the consequences. However, there is much that can be done on the legal side of the battle.
Pictured: Vinoo Varghese walking in court with his client.
Pictured: Vinoo Varghese walking in court with his client.
At the very moment you find out that either you or your child have been accused of a Title IX violation, it is imperative that you hire a seasoned Title IX defense attorney who knows how to navigate the minefield that is a Title IX tribunal. Their experience will grant you a better chance at securing favorable results.
Additionally, a Title IX defense attorney will be a source of comfort and security for the student and family of the accused. They will provide guidance every step of the way and handle all aspects of your case to ensure that you obtain the best possible results and resume your life without a tarnished reputation.
Being accused of a Title IX violation is no walk in the park and it comes with great turbulence for all those involved. The accused's studies are negatively affected, and their life is essentially put on hold while the investigation takes place.
However, as long as you take proactive measures and hire an experienced Title IX defense attorney as soon as you or your child is made aware of the charges, you will be heading in the right direction to secure the best results and save your reputation.
If you or someone you know is facing Title IX charges, please feel free to fill out our consultation form below to get in touch with our experienced team of experts.
You already know that federal charges aren't going to go away - government agencies spend a long time building a case and they will work hard to secure a conviction.
However, we'll work even harder to fight your case.
Time is not on your side if you're facing federal offenses in New York City.
The sooner you seek legal advice from a skilled attorney, the sooner we can put together a case that offers the very best chance of a positive outcome.
Please fill out our consultation form below and a member from our team will get back to you promptly.
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